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Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Hashuma House

There is a place where we can go,
A place that only we will know
Where forbidden things are not a foe

We eat in a month when no one eats
At noon we head into the streets
To find goodies and little treats

We sit on the roof, sunning ourselves
Remove the long sleeves
And toast to our health

In Ramadan even gossips hashuma
To bad no one informed us
Cause we're just spreadin' ruma'

Men and women separate should be
But, we've concluded adamantly
We're leaves fallen from the same tree

You can't take a nap
With a man on the map
But at school, that rule's scrapped

Good thing we don't smoke
O t'would be another rule we broke
And another hashuma joke

The is the house of Hashuma
Keep it on the down low
Else you'll get somethin' comin' to ya

~ Jesse & Rachel

Saturday, November 05, 2005


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